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VBS Registration 

Children(s) Name & Age: (Please list all names attending)*

Parent's Name*

Parent's Email Address*

Parent's Cell #*

Do you give permission to The Hope Church of Fairbanks to take photos, videos and post to our social media outlets during this event?*

Select an option

If you attend a church, which church do you attned?

Are there any known allergies? If none, please put N/A*

We are excited for our 2022 VBS

This is a fun event where children can learn about Jesus on a level that fits them, and have fun too! 

July 11th - 15th, 2022

6:00p - 8:30p

Ages: 5-15

Location: 1327 27th Ave @ The Hope Church

"What you do can change the world around you"

Let's get ready to make some WAVES


6:00p - 6:30p  Dinner

6:30p - 6:50p  Assembly 

6:50p - 7:20p  Bible Lesson

7:20p - 7:50p Crafts

7:50p - 8:20p Music

8:20p - 8:30p Close Assembly 

*Schedule is tentative

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